Ayurvedic Remedies for Skin Diseases

This is a proven remedy to cure the skin aliments. It is a simple remedy and this was also mentioned in Sushruta Samhita by Sushruta Maharshi.


  •  Cutch, Black catechu / Acacia catechu / Khadira (खधिरा) / Khair (खैर) / Sandra, Chandra (సండ్ర, చండ్ర) wood [Buy Online at Amazon India / US / Canada / UK]

Collect the wood that is 3-4 inches in diameter. Cut the wood into 7 8-inch pieces.  Dip three of those into 20 liters of water.

Use this water for bathing, drinking, and cooking. This will cure around 18 skin diseases that are not even responding to medicine.

You can also rub it on a hard wet surface or stone and collect the extract and apply it to the affected area.

Watch the below video for instructions in Telugu:

Image: © Sherrie Thai

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