This herb helped the patient to get his vision back. The patient had thorn stuck in his eye and doctors told him that he lost his vision and he can’t get it back. He followed the below remedy and got his eyesight back.
- Pill-bearing spurge, hairy spurge, garden spurge / Euphorbia hirta / chara, amampatchairasi (Sanskrit) / baridhudi, dudh ghas (Hindi) / Reddyvari Nanubalu (రెడ్డివారి నానుబాలు)
When you cut the stem or leaves, white milk-like liquid comes out.
Pour few drops into each eye daily in the morning.
Also, take triphalas 10 pieces each and soak it in hot water throughout the night. In the morning, filter it and wash the eyes with this liquid. Take half spoon of triphala powder, half spoon cow ghee, and a spoon of honey, mix them well, and eat twice a day.
Triphalas (3 fruits) are:
- Yellow Myrobalan or Chebulic Myrobalan / Terminalia chebula / Haritaki (हरीतकी) / Harad (हरद) / Karakkaya (కరక్కాయ) [Buy Online at Amazon India / US / Canada / UK]
- Beleric or bastard myrobalan / Terminalia bellirica / Vibhitaka (विभितक) / Aksha (अक्ष) / Thanikaya (తానికాయ) [Buy Online at Amazon India / US / Canada / UK]
- Indian gooseberry / Phyllanthus emblica / Amalika (अमलिक) / Amla (आम्ला) / Usirikaya (ఉసిరికాయ) [Buy Online at Amazon India / US / Canada / UK]
Watch the below video for instructions in Telugu:
My son age 35 years has been experiencing vision loss, it started deteriorating three years ago. His vision is blurry in the centre but peripheral vision is ok. Do you have have any cure for this. We tried Saptamrit and oil dripping on the forehead for five months , nothing worked. Do you think you can cure this disease.
awaiting to hear from you.
Nar Jaywar
Did you consult the ophthalmologist? If they have no cure, you can try some of the remedies posted here to see if it helps.
How to control and toatly clear Sugar diseases ? And How to take prepare and precautions, PLEASE TELL ME SIR ………….!
my 5year old daughter wear a chasma and number is 3.5 and 3 so pls give me suggetion for some advise for removal of eye glasses