I have already posted a cure here. This is the second one and a proven remedy to cure ulcers. These herbals are available at Siddha Nagarjuna Ayurveda Pharmacy of Maharshi Elchuri. Contact them on 040-23547132, 42408568, 42408540.
- Adhrakakandam
- Sugandhi-pala / Indian Sarsaparilla / Kshirini (Sanskrit) lehya
- Hingvashtakam
Take them as prescribed.
You can also follow the below remedy:
- Put holy basil / tulsi leaves in a copper tumbler containing water during the night. When you wake up in the morning, drink 3 spoons of that water.
- Eat 30 g of aloe vera pulp with half spoon candy sugar / misthri, 1/4 spoon turmeric powder, 1/4 spoon cumin seeds powder.
- Drink water mixed with 3 spoons of 7-times-filtered cow urine and honey. Do this twice or thrice.
- Boil two cups of water with one spoon of crushed coriander seeds until a cup of dictation remains. Let it cool and add a spoon of candy sugar / misthri and drink two to three times.
- For severe pain, drink cold milk with a spoon of candy sugar / misthri.
Avoid non-veg including eggs, cold items, hard to digest items. Eat leafy vegetables and vegetables. Eat unpolished rice.
Watch the below video for instructions in Telugu:
Image: © David Castillo Dominici/FreeDigitalPhotos.Net